Mila’s Homework

Updated 2/7


  • Keyboard Notes A-G Lesson high score: 17/18
  • Bass Clef (F, G, C) Lesson high score: 22/26
  • Treble Clef (C, D, G) Lesson high score: 28/29 (WOW!)
  • Send me scores she’s proud of for each exercise this week! 🙌📲
  • Work on assignments written in her Practice Journal, and log practice time days she plays piano. We have officially crossed the halfway mark at 52 days!! 🥳🎵
  • Please feel free to text me with *any* questions about her assignments, I’m happy to provide any additional guidance, including audio or video recordings. (My hands were very sideways in these two videos, and are *NOT* good hand position. See if she can tell you why).
  • Have fun! 🙂
My Invention (slow)
My Invention (at goal tempo)


  • We started a new game in lessons called Note Rush, which reinforces which note of the keyboard correlates to each note on the staff. (Ex: Middle C instead of a higher or lower C). It is not necessary to practice this game at home, but here is a link to download the app, and links to the exercises just in case:
  • Note Rush Download
  • Note Rush Exercise
  • She’s doing an amazing job with rhythm and understanding the value of each kind of note. We are working on keeping a steady beat throughout each piece, sometimes we get excited towards the end and realize we can play it faster than we started 🙂
  • Sometimes we are a little hesitant about which is our RH and which is LH, but I have adult students who still struggle with that so I’m not too worried about it 😉 Today we tried substituting “bass / low hand” and “treble / high hand” and that is making it easier!
  • We are also working on getting our hands into the starting position for each piece, aiming for not needing any help. She’ll start by looking at the first note in each Clef, deciding which hand plays that, reading the finger number and then finding that note on the keyboard.
  • Her hand shape is looking amazing! 🤩 Next step is trying to keep our round fingers but lowering our wrists so there’s a straight line from elbow through the metacarpophalangeal joints.
Locating position with great technique!
Awesome technique!
Needs work


  • I am recording the last two recital pieces this week, and should be able to get everyone the Holiday Recital video by Monday. I’m so sorry for the delay! 😣 COVID really threw a wrench in preparedness and ability to meet in person for a few of my students.
  • I haven’t chosen a date for our spring recital (probably April/May), but the theme will be “A Night at the Movies”. I’m aiming to do another “virtual” performance for this recital as well 🎞🎶
  • I’d love to start thinking about potential piece(s) that she is interested in learning this week! Hopefully a piece on the list grabs attention, but I am happy to make an arrangement of another piece if she’d like to do something different.
  • As we get further down the road, please let me know if there are questions I can answer, or anything I can do to help make Mila’s recital piece a success!

Available Primer Level Pieces

  • Do You Want to Build a Snowman (Frozen)
  • I Just Can’t Wait to be King (Lion King)
  • I See the Light (Tangled)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Mary Poppins)
  • Part of Your World (Little Mermaid)
  • Scooby Doo
  • If I Only Had a Brain (Wizard of Oz)
  • Oompa-Loompa-Doompadee-Doo (Willy Wonka)
  • The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything (Veggie Tales)