Nathan & Nolan

Updated 3/16


  • Keyboard Notes A-G
  • Treble Clef (C4 – G5)
  • Bass Clef (C3 – C4)
  • Send me scores they’re proud of for each exercise this week! 🙌📲
  • Work on assignments written in their Practice Journals, and log practice time. 🎵
  • Please feel free to text me with *any* questions about assignments, I’m happy to provide any additional guidance, including audio or video recordings.
  • Have fun! 🙂


  • Nathan has had an amazing change in attitude recently, and we’ve been having a lot of fun in his lessons. He is incredibly smart and insightful, and I get a real kick out of joking with him while we’re playing. He’s been doing an awesome job at trying to be conscious of his hand shape/positioning, but it still gets pretty tricky when playing some of our newer pieces full speed because there’s already a lot of other components to concentrate on. I let him know that his technique pieces are the greatest tools for helping good hand position become second nature, and to concentrate on it hardest when practicing those pieces. They’re typically easier than what’s in the Lesson or Performance Books and work off some sort of pattern so that he can put more attention to not collapsing the fingertip knuckles.
  • Nolan is such a sweetheart and I love that he always has a great attitude at lessons! He’s been feeling a little silly lately and had some troubles getting started with pieces/concentration on the lesson, but once he’s playing he does an amazing job. He is definitely excelling in comparison to other students in his age range, so I’m not too worried about about getting refocused yet. (I’ll let you know if it becomes a more consistent issue). Nolan’s Tenuto scores are nearly matching Nathan’s right now, which is a great testament to his natural musical talents and ability to learn. He also has been doing an incredible job at focusing on hand shape while he’s playing! That is typically a huge challenge for every pianist, but even more so for students his age because of having shorter fingers and smaller hands. He doesn’t let this hold him back, and plays with the best technique going of any student I’ve had in his age range! We are working on getting our rhythms a little more consistent, but it is normal for keeping precise time to be a bit of a challenge as we are also simultaneously focusing on fingering, notes, hand position, dynamics, etc.
Awesome technique!


  • I haven’t chosen a date for our spring recital (thinking late May), but the theme will be “A Night at the Movies”. I’m aiming to do another “virtual” performance for this recital as well 🎞🎶
  • I’d love to start thinking about potential piece(s) that the boys are interested in learning next week! I am putting together a list of options to go over with them.
  • As we get further down the road, please let me know if there are questions I can answer, or anything I can do to help make their recital piece a success!